

Skin in the Game

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Obliteride 2024

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Skin in the Game
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90 percent of goal achieved.
Team Honor Roll
Recent Donors

Michael and Burmah Rainbolt



Paul Nghiem

Girish Viriyur

 We did it! An additional $10,000 from Michael and Burmah Rainbolt has been unlocked thanks to our generous MCC donor community. Thank you all for your support!

Merkel cell carcinoma (MCC) is a rare and aggressive skin cancer that is three times more likely to spread throughout the body than melanoma. Approximately 40% of patients will experience a return of MCC after the initial tumor has been removed. The good news is that there have been major clinical advances in the last decade allowing MCC patients to live longer, often cancer-free.

The Nghiem lab team at the University of Washington are experts in Merkel cell carcinoma biology and how it translates to patient care through new therapies. Philanthropy is key to accelerating MCC research discoveries and improving the lives of patient and their families. Funding allows us to do more than a ‘typical lab’ such as:

-Fund 3 full-time Clinical Research Fellows who help MCC patients manage their cancer and treatments. 

-Conduct 2 clinical trials using new combination treatments that have the potential to further improve survival in MCC patients.

-Improve and update MCC treatment guidelines through data-driven publications that are referenced by physicians throughout the country.

-Educate the greater MCC community so patients and loved ones are updated on new surveillance and treatment options through our website ( and outreach events.

Please consider joining our team (in person or virtually) or donating to the Skin in the Game team! Every dollar you contribute will go directly to supporting the Nghiem lab’s efforts in fighting MCC.

Skin in the Game Raised
Krista Lachance $1,259.05
Gensuke Akaike $50.00
Lei Akaike $0.00
Tomoko Akaike $50.00
Rian Alam $0.00
Tomas Bencomo $0.00
Rashmi Bhakuni $110.00
Patrick Bi $0.00
Kate Biese $875.00
Peter Ch'En $660.53
Smitha Chandrasekhar $50.00
Candice Church $100.00
Ariel Finberg $0.00
Alex Fu $0.00
Macy Gilmour $0.00
Emily Gong $0.00
Scott Greisler $50.00
Austin Jabbour $0.00
David Koelle $450.00
Rima Kulikauskas $458.54
Max Lee $0.00
Rongxiang Lin $20.00
Carina Morningstar $200.00
Paul Nghiem $1,000.00
Scotia Ouellette $1,000.00
Claire Park $0.00
Ally Remington $0.00
Paul Riili $355.00
Haroldo Rodriguez $50.00
Joel Stafstrom $100.00
Team Gifts $29,170.03
Denotes a Team Captain