Team Fundraiser

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Team Progress
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95 percent of goal achieved.
Team Honor Roll
Top Donors

Wilkerson Family

Carol McClung

Ms. Alena Meeker

Bank of America Matching Gift

Microsoft Matching Gift

Your gift will be doubled through our $50,000 match!

Together we can replace toxic chemotherapy and radiation for kids with cancer

Kids with AML (acute myelogenous leukemia) need to spend the first 100 days in the hospital because chemo is so toxic. Project Violet scientists designed an immunotherapeutic that caused 100% of mice with patient-derived AML to survive WITHOUT CHEMOTHERAPY. None of mice with this AML survived more than 32 days even with chemo treatment. Funds from this drive will enable our team to advance our best molecules toward clinical trials.

Progress Report: What we accomplished with your prior gifts

• Based on blueprints from Nature, we designed and evolved a mini-protein that blocks the YAP:TEAD interaction, which drives many forms of cancer. Our candidate binds to TEAD about 1000 times better than the best to come out of the pharmaceutical industry. Still much work to do, but a very important step.

• We generated over 2000 bispecific antibodies and are testing them in pairs to identify those that effectively instruct the patient’s own T cells to kill cancer cells without the presence of chemotherapy.

• We designed and evolved a mini-protein that can shuttle therapeutics across the blood brain barrier. This could provide benefit to brain tumor patients and could also play a role in treating neurodegenerative and other brain diseases.

• A side project led to the discovery of a scorpion-derived mini-protein that carries effective arthritis drugs directly to joints where they reverse arthritis in animal models with no detectable side effects.

We want to end cancer, and we know you do, too. Please invest in the world-changing science that will get us there. Thank you!

Friends of Project Violet - Join Team Raised
Wayne Abba $1,100.00
Team Gifts $117,630.00
Denotes a Team Captain