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memorial fundraiser created by

Friends and Family of Kyle Spane




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Kyle Thomas Spane Endowment

Kyle loved life. He was happy to his core and that happiness radiated to everyone around him. His enthusiasm for the people in his life and dedication to finding joy in everyday things allowed him to fight colon cancer with an unmatched attitude. 

Because of his young age, it was not initially suspected the cause of pain could be cancer. He was 10 years younger than the recommended age to begin screening and overall lived an active lifestyle. Instead, it seemed more logical to suspect stress and stomach ulcers. In typical Kyle Spane fashion, he pushed through the bouts of pain and continued in his busy life as a husband, dad to a 2 year-old, expectant father to a baby girl, son, brother, grandson, co-worker, and friend. 

When Kyle was diagnosed with Stage IV metastatic colon cancer in January 2024, it was a shock. We soon learned that in addition to having colon cancer, Kyle’s primary tumor presented with the BRAF-V600E gene mutation which is found in 8-10% of metastatic colorectal cancer patients. Inevitably, this would be the greatest challenge to an effective treatment and a prolonged life.

Throughout the ups and downs, he consistently shared three beliefs. First, the people in his life meant the world to him and gave him the courage and energy to fight cancer every single day. Second, he loved his care team at Fred Hutch, led by Dr. William Harris. He would often say, “If I could give all of my money to Fred Hutch, I would.” Lastly, he wanted to make sure no other family had to fight this battle. 

These beliefs are what led us to fundraise for the Kyle Thomas Spane endowment. We want to put action behind our grief to create solutions for other patients and their families.

Your gift will support the Fred Hutch endowment. Our goal is to raise $2 million dollars to establish the Kyle Thomas Spane Endowed Chair, which will create a permanent resource for a faculty member at Fred Hutch focused on colon cancer prevention and/or early detection and emerging research opportunities in colon cancer. Establishing an endowed chair will empower Fred Hutch to attract, recruit, support, and retain outstanding scientists who have distinguished themselves through their research, scholarship, and innovations in colon cancer.

We will be fundraising for the next eighteen months or until we receive $2 million. In April 2026, with a total amount raised of $100,000 or more, an endowed fund will receive Kyle’s name. With a total of $250,000 or more, the fund’s purpose will be narrowed to focus on the prevention and early detection of colon cancer. And our ultimate goal, with a total of $2 million or more, the Kyle Thomas Spane Endowed Chair will become a reality. Although we know this is an ambitious goal, we believe incredible things are possible when our community comes together to remember Kyle. If you are interested in making a multi-year commitment, please contact Kaye Oberhausen at

Only seven months after his diagnosis, at age 35, Kyle passed away August 12, 2024. While this date marked the end of his fight with cancer, it also marks the beginning of his legacy. A legacy dedicated to his community and making tomorrow better for the next person.