Personal Fundraiser

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memorial fundraiser created by

The Ward Family




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In Memory of Michael Ward

To Mike, Bruce Montgomery was more than his trusted physician. Mike had enormous respect for his research and frequently engaged him in dicussions relating to the forefront of cancer treatment. Mike himself had an active interest in cancer research and read widely on current studies and promising treatments. I had the opportunity to listen in on several of the conversations between Mike and Dr. Montgomery and was always struck by Mike's ability to push Dr. Montgomery with his knowledge and statistical insights. Because of their close and respectful relationship, Dr. Montgomery was able to be frank and honest when delivering the news that the end was close. Mike's body of course had already told him that the end was near. Mike asked if there was any way that his body could be helpful in moving cancer research forward and was genuinely happy that that was a possibility.
All donations will be directed to the UW Medicine Genitourinary Oncology Fund.
With love and appreciation,
The Ward Family